Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui Rugby Profile

Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui

Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui
Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui Rugby Profile
Full Name Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Scrum half
Status current
Profile views 3830
Age : 35 Years

Maxwell Theuri Ndiang'ui
Date of birth : 18/2/1991
Nick name :  Max / Mizarymtu / Kabaabaa

Education Background:
2005 - Nanyuki high school
2006 - 2008 Range View Sec School
Campus -  Bsc Mechanical Engineering (JKUAT)
Max theuri at gold coast sevens 2014

Photo : Zimbio | Max theuri at gold coast sevens 2014
Max Theuri at Kabeberi 7s 2014
Photo : Max Theuri at Kabeberi sevens 2014


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