Ben Galmaga Munene Rugby Profile

Ben Galmaga Munene

Ben Galmaga Munene
Ben Galmaga Munene Rugby Profile
Full Name Ben Galmaga Munene
Club: Chuka RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role manager
Position Team Manager
Status current
Profile views 1625
Age : 35 Years

Photo:Ben Galmaga Munene
Photo:Ben Galmaga Munene / Source Elvis Imbenzi

Date of birth : 3rd October.
Campus : Chuka University
Course : Education.
Nickname : Musa
Role model:Benjamin Ayimba.
Position : hooker
Ambition: To ensure chuka Vikings play the highest level of rugby in Kenya and to develop rugby in the Central region.
Played for Embu Rfc,KEMU Pit bulls.


Chuka Viking Team manager
Done level one coaching
Ben Galmaga Munene


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