Billy Odhiambo Rugby Profile

Billy Odhiambo

Billy Odhiambo
Billy Odhiambo Rugby Profile
Full Name Billy Odhiambo
Club: Mwamba RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Center
Status current
Profile views 8674
Age : 35 Years

Billy Odhiambo - Wellington 7s 2015
Photo : Zimbio | Billy Odhiambo - Wellington 7s 2015

Date of birth : 8 November 1993.
High school : MAseno School.
Campus : Strathmore University.
Coarse : Bsc Business Information Technology.
Previous club : Pan Africa Strathmore Leos.
He joined Mwamba in Mid 2016.

Twitter : @odhiambobilly.
Instagram : @billy_odhiambo.

Billy Odhiambo at his best Beast Mode.

A video posted by Shujaa Pride (@kenya_7s) on


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