Wesley Kidiga Rugby Profile

Wesley Kidiga

Wesley Kidiga
Wesley Kidiga Rugby Profile
Full Name Wesley Kidiga
Club: Blak Blad RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Number 8
Status current
Profile views 2247
Age : 35 Years

Pic : Wesley Kidiga
Pic : Wesley Kidiga. Source Kidish.

High school : Nakuru high school
Campus : Kenyatta University
Date of birth : 4th July 1993
Nickname : kidish.
Profession : Teaching
Rugby positions : Number 8.
Kidish got interested in rugby when he was in form 2 and started playing in the same year , that was in 2009.
Role model: Richy Mc Caw,
"I aspire to play for Kenya and go to pro in rugby. " Wesley Kidiga Kidish.


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