Martin Tubula Rugby Profile

Martin Tubula

Martin Tubula
Martin Tubula Rugby Profile
Full Name Martin Tubula
Club: Menengai Cream Homeboyz RFC
Date of birth : Sun, 20th Aug 1989
Role player
Position Flanker
Status current
Profile views 2531
Age : 34 Years

Photo : Martin marktubu Tubula

High school :St Peters Mumias Boys High School.
University :University of Nairobi.
Date of Birth : 20/8/89.
Nickname : marktubu.
Area of Profession :Human Resource Management.
Rugby position :backrow/Lock.
Martin Tubala got interested with rugby way back primary level 7.
Martin Tubala started playing while he was in high school level 1 2004.
Role model :Jerry Collins former NZ backrow n Michelle Oktoi former Kenya Harlequins Rfc/Kenya 15s
Aspiration : To play for Kenya National team 15s.
Marktubu is a person who starts with an ending mind (have a clear understanding of where he is heading to/destination always)


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