Kelvin Moriasi Rugby Profile

Kelvin Moriasi

Kelvin Moriasi
Kelvin Moriasi Rugby Profile
Full Name Kelvin Moriasi
Club: Mwamba RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Second row
Status current
Profile views 1855
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Kelvin Moriasi
Photo : Kelvin Moriasi

High school : Agoro Sare High school.
Campus : Kimathi University of Technology.
Date of Birth : 4/7/1990 (4th July).
Nickname : Bolt.
Profession : Electrical Engineer.
Rugby position : Second Row.

Rugby Interest : Form 2 when he represented his class during inter-classes competitions.
Role model : Humphrey Kayange (tall) .

"My aspirations is to represent our simba at an international level " , Kelvin Moriasi concluded.


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