Felix Ojow Rugby Profile

Felix Ojow

Felix Ojow
Felix Ojow Rugby Profile
Full Name Felix Ojow
Club: Menengai Cream Homeboyz RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Back row
Status current
Profile views 3797
Age : 35 Years

Felix Ojow
Photo : Felix Ojow
Date of Birth : 28/6/1995
High School : Utumishi Academy.
Campus : JKUAT
Nick name : Felix the machine / Felo / Felshe
Role Model : Oscar Ouma.
Felix Ojow got interested with the game while in high school and started playing while he was in high school.
Aspiratin : Play for the national team then go pro.
Felix Ojow loves working hard and he is a team player.


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