Francis Kariuki Rugby Profile

Francis Kariuki

Francis Kariuki
Francis Kariuki Rugby Profile
Full Name Francis Kariuki
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Hooker
Status current
Profile views 1295
Age : 35 Years

Francis Kariuki
Photo : Francis Kariuki

Date of Birth : 19/11/1994
High School : Menengai High school.
Nickname: Kiki.
Positions: Hooker and flanker.
Role model : Lawi Buyach
He got interested in the game in 2008.
Francis Kariuki started playing back in 2009
Aspirations : He wants to take his rugby career to a pro version.
Francis Kariuki is a humble guy, aware of where froms and where tos
He is aware of priorities and his side life and above all he is God fearing.


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