Brian Njoroge Rugby Profile

Brian Njoroge

Brian Njoroge
Brian Njoroge Rugby Profile
Full Name Brian Njoroge
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Back
Status current
Profile views 1756
Age : 35 Years

Pic : Brian Njoroge
Pic : Brian Njoroge

High school : Sunshine Secondary School.
Campus : Africa Nazarene University.
Date of birth : 10th December
Coarse : Mass Communication .
Nick Name: Luatua.
Area of profession : Photogtapher.
He Started playing in 2010 while in Form 2
Role model: Victor Sudi.

"I Would like to be featured in the Kenya 15s in the near future " ~ Brian Njoroge

Brian Njoroge is a humble and laidback lad.


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