David Dinda Rugby Profile

David Dinda

David Dinda
David Dinda Rugby Profile
Full Name David Dinda
Club: Resolution Impala Saracens
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Center
Status current
Profile views 2068
Age : 35 Years

Photo : David Dinda
Photo : David Dinda

High School : Maseno School
Campus : JKUAT
Coarse : Bsc in Medical Laboratory Science.
Date of Birth : 1989.
Positions : centre and wing.
Profession: Health Research and Management.
David Dinda got interested in the game in his earlier primary school years and played in high school winning a few trophies.
Role model : None.

David Dinda aspirations are to just play at all levels but mainly is to just play.
He is an easy going guy who hates training but likes to play.


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