Clifford Omuyoma Rugby Profile

Clifford Omuyoma

Clifford Omuyoma
Clifford Omuyoma Rugby Profile
Full Name Clifford Omuyoma
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Center
Status current
Profile views 2187
Age : 35 Years

Clifford Omuyoma
Photo : Clifford Omuyoma| mid-ego fotography

Nickname : laughing gas
Date of birth 13/3/1991
Position : center
High school : Booker Academy
Campus : Maseno University  
Role model sonny bill Williams, Patrice Agunda
Profession : computer science graduate
He is a soft spoken person and always has a smile on his face
Clifford started playing rugby in 2006
Clifford's aspirations is to one day represent his country, and go professional



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