Simon Lempaka Rugby Profile

Simon Lempaka

Simon Lempaka
Simon Lempaka Rugby Profile
Full Name Simon Lempaka
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 2291
Age : 35 Years

Simon Lempaka
Photo : Simon Lemapaka

High School : St Marys and Aga Khan High Schools.
Campus : Usiu.
Date of Birth : 29/06/1989.
Profession : In Public Service.
Positions : Loose head Prop.
Simon Lemapaka got interested in rugby while he was in primary,
He picked it up in high school and started playing in 2008.
Role model :Joel Ng'anga .
Aspiration : To enable Quins reclaim its lost glory.

Simon Lemapaka is an easy going , fun loving and humble man.


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