Emily Oloo Rugby Profile

Emily Oloo

Emily Oloo
Emily Oloo Rugby Profile
Full Name Emily Oloo
Club: Mwamba Women RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 2241
Age : 35 Years

Emily Oloo
Photo : Emily Oloo. by @kenyarugbyqueen

Full name : Emily Oloo Achieng.
High school : Nembu Girls High School
Campus : Coast Institute of Technology-voi.( Catering and Accommodation Management)
D.O.B: 15Th /SEPT..
Nickname : Diva
Profession : Hospitality / Institutional management

Rugby interest: while she was in high school. Her elder sister introduced her to Mwamba on the same month that women's rugby started.
Emily Oloo started playing while in form 3 .
Role Model : Eric Situma
Aspiration : Become the director of womens rugby in the near future

Emily Oloo speaks her heart, take it or leave it. She fears no man, only God. Divaa is as strong as her weakest link.


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