Mike Shibadu Rugby Profile

Mike Shibadu

Mike Shibadu
Mike Shibadu Rugby Profile
Full Name Mike Shibadu
Club: Mwamba RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Lock
Status current
Profile views 2194
Age : 35 Years

Mike Shibadu
Photo : Mike Shibadu

High School : Kapsotik Secondary School
Campus : Kenyatta University
Date of Birth : 12/05/1981
Nickname : Mukobero / Mr Courifer
Profession : Business Administration and Economics
Positions : Prop and Lock

Mike Shibadu was hijacked along the streets of college in 2004 and pulled into a rugby field, this is how he got into the game.

Role model : Dennis Mwanja and Emmanuel Shitote

Aspiration : "Play till i die"


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