Dana De Grazia Rugby Profile

Dana De Grazia

Dana De Grazia
Dana De Grazia Rugby Profile
Full Name Dana De Grazia
Club: USIU Women RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Fullback
Status current
Profile views 5696
Age : 35 Years

Photo | Dana De Grazia
Photo : Dana De Grazia. Credits Dana.

High school : Adlai E Stevenson High school. (USA)
Campus : USIU
Date of Birth : 29/12/1993
Nickname : To her Chicago friends it's "Tiny".
Profession : Criminal justice
Rugby Positions : forward or fullback
Rugby interest : 2014.
Started playing : 2014.

Role model : None. She found the game on her own and realized she loved it.

Aspiration : Dana wants to play for Kenya's national team.

Rugby and tae kwon do are her sports. Dana De Grazia plans on staying in Kenya and getting citizenship.


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