Ian Mugambi Rugby Profile

Ian Mugambi

Ian Mugambi
Ian Mugambi Rugby Profile
Full Name Ian Mugambi
Club: Blak Blad RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 4346
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Ian Mugambi
Photo : Ian Mugambi.

Date of birth : 21 April
High school : Lenana High School.
Campus : Kenyatta University.

Profession : ICT.

Kenya Rugby Union Director : Media and Communications.

Low Moment
Ian Mugambi got injured on his knee on 10th January 2015 when Blak Blad were playing against Catholic Monks.
This was the last rugby match he played in 2015.
Blak Blad won the match 33-15 . Find out the details here.

Twitter : @mugambiian



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