Felix Okari Rugby Profile

Felix Okari

Felix Okari
Felix Okari Rugby Profile
Full Name Felix Okari
Club: Resolution Impala Saracens
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Backrow
Status current
Profile views 3173
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Felix Okari
Photo : Felix Okari. Credits Impala Saracens

High school - Kisii High school.
Date of Birth : January 8.
Profession - Medic.
Position - Back row.
Felix Okari got interested in playing rugby after he cleared high school.
Role model : Micheal Hooper and Ben morgan.
Aspirations : Play for kenya XVs.
Okari is an ambitious, outgoing and social guy.
Twitter : @felixokari


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