Gramwel Bunyasi Rugby Profile

Gramwel Bunyasi

Gramwel Bunyasi
Gramwel Bunyasi Rugby Profile
Full Name Gramwel Bunyasi
Club: Top Fry Nakuru RFC
Date of birth : Wed, 29th Nov 1989
Role player
Position Winger
Status current
Profile views 3910
Age : 34 Years

Photo: Gramwel Bunyasi.

High School : Maseno school
Campus : Moi Universty.
Date of Birth : 29th Nov 1989.
Nickname : Gramu.
Area of profession : Purchasing and supplies.
Rugby Position : Center/ Winger.
Gramwel Bunyasi got interested with the game in 2004 while he ws in form 1.
He started playing rugby in 2005.
Role model : Peter Ochola.
Twitter : @gramwelj

"I aspire to play for the national team." ~ Gramwel Buyasi


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