Ombachi E Ondari Rugby Profile

Ombachi E Ondari

Ombachi E Ondari
Ombachi E Ondari Rugby Profile
Full Name Ombachi E Ondari
Club: Nondescripts RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Full Back
Status current
Profile views 2019
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Ombachi E Ondari.
Photo : Ombachi E Ondari.

High school : Meru school
Campus : Moi University
Date of birth : 18/1/1991.
Nickname : mgenge .
previous club : Homeboyz RFC.
Profession : Communications.
Rugby positions : wing/fullback.
Rugby interest : 2005 in form one.
Role model : Sydney Ashioya.

"I aspire to get better and better and keep learning at my club and hope to represent my country at one point." ~ Ombachi Ondari


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