Douglas Sifuna Rugby Profile

Douglas Sifuna

Douglas Sifuna
Douglas Sifuna Rugby Profile
Full Name Douglas Sifuna
Club: Cooperative University RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Full Back
Status current
Profile views 2714
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Douglas Sifuna
Photo : Douglas Sifuna
Date of Birth : 21st July 1995.
Highschool : St Joseph's Boys Kitale.
Campus: Cooperative university,Karen.
Weight : 80kg.
Height : 6 2"
Position : Fullback, Winger , Center.
Club : Cooperative university Rfc
Nickname : Farus rugby
Course : Bachelor of commerce [finance option ].
Role model : Sammy Oliech , Izzy Folau ,Savea.
Sifuna started playing rugby back in 2011 while in high school.

Favorite quote : "Rugby is a state of mind. its not a game play of mere chance, its a matter of tactical probability blend an with impeccable oozing passion for the game ".


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