Kevin Mbugua Rugby Profile

Kevin Mbugua

Kevin Mbugua
Kevin Mbugua Rugby Profile
Full Name Kevin Mbugua
Club: Cooperative University RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 1667
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Kevin Mbugua
Photo : Kevin Mbugua. Pic Source Kevin Bazinga

Date of Birth : 10-12-1993.
High School : Nakuru High school.
Campus : Cooperative University.
Course : Commerce.
Kevin got interested in playing rugby in 2009 while in he was still in high school.
Weight : 107kg
Height : 5.8
Postion : prop.
Nickname :  vokeh, bazenga.
Twitter : @kevynmbugua
Role modes : His brother , Mark Mwenesi and Tendai Mtawarira
Favourite quote : the only pain in rugby is regret.
Kevin Mbugua is a humble and friendly guy.


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