Clifford Amariati Rugby Profile

Clifford Amariati

Clifford Amariati
Clifford Amariati Rugby Profile
Full Name Clifford Amariati
Club: Cooperative University RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Center
Status current
Profile views 1137
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Clifford Amariati
Photo : Clifford Amariati

High School : Malava Boys High School.
Campus : Co-operative University College of Kenya.
D.O.B: 26/5/1995.
From : Eldoret.
Nick Name : Cliff.
Rugby interest : 2012.
Clifford Amariati started playing rugby when he was in form 2 in 2012.
Role Model: Collins Injera and Shawn Johnson.

"I am aspiring to become a professional rugby player an be a role model to upcoming young rugby players. I like playing rugby because it is an inspiring game and has a great future.I want to play rugby and make a career out of it. " ~ Clifford Amariati.


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