Duncan Ekasi Rugby Profile

Duncan Ekasi

Duncan Ekasi
Duncan Ekasi Rugby Profile
Full Name Duncan Ekasi
Club: Resolution Impala Saracens
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Back row
Status current
Profile views 3326
Age : 36 Years

Duncan Danku Ekasi
Pic : Duncan Ekasi in action for Impala against Mwamba | Enterprise Cup Final

High school : Lenana School "Changez"
Campus : Kenyatta University.
Date of birth : 3rd January.
Nickname: Danku.
Career: Insurance Broker at AON.
Positions : he plays backrow, 6 & 8.

Duncan Ekasi got interested in the game back in high school in 2001 .

Role model : Jerry Collins.

"Having already played for Kenya XVs for a few years, its now all about mentoring the next generation of players." ~ Ekasi Danku Duncan.

Mr Ekasi is a down to earth fellow who enjoys this beautiful game and he is giving back what he has learnt so far.

Twitter : @dunkanekasi


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