Patrick Mwika Rugby Profile

Patrick Mwika

Patrick Mwika
Patrick Mwika Rugby Profile
Full Name Patrick Mwika
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Lock
Status current
Profile views 2242
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Patrick Mwika
Photo : Patrick Mwika

High school : Miathene Boys High school.
Campus : MKU Nkubu Campus.
Coarse : BSc Education

Date of birth : June 19 1993.
Rugby positions : lock
Profession : High school teacher.
Twitter : @Pmwika .

He is looking foward to playing in the kenya cup from next season going on.

Patrick Mwika

"I would like to see rugby move from one level to another in Meru region " ~ Patrick Mwika.


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