Paul Koome Rugby Profile

Paul Koome

Paul Koome
Paul Koome Rugby Profile
Full Name Paul Koome
Club: Resolution Impala Saracens
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Scrum Half
Status current
Profile views 1984
Age : 35 Years

Pic : Paul Koome
Pic : Paul Koome. Source Pauuh.

Profile updated on 24th Nov 2015.

High school : Kanyakine High school Meru.
Campus : JKUAT.
Date of birth : September 21 1991.
Nickname : Uropa/pauu .
Profession : Information Technology.
Other clubs : @jkuatcougars (JKUAT RFC)
Rugby positions : scrum half.
Started playing : Back in high school in form 2.
Paul Koome made his first appearance while in form 3 in Eastern province 7s 2008.
Kenya XVs international Edwin Achayo made him return to rugby back in campus and his current teammate Samson Onsumu of impala.

"I want to help inspire young players and nature rugby in Kenya via our community rugby foundation of pray and play rugby project" ~ Paul Pauuu Uropa Koome.

Pauu is a simple , social and God fearing guy.


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