Bramwel Mayaka Rugby Profile

Bramwel Mayaka

Bramwel Mayaka
Bramwel Mayaka Rugby Profile
Full Name Bramwel Mayaka
Club: Menengai Cream Homeboyz RFC
Date of birth : Fri, 15th Jun 1990
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 3142
Age : 34 Years

Photo : Bramwel Mayaka
Height:  6,3
Weight(kgs):  103

High School Chavakali high school.
Campus Technical university of Mombasa.
Date of Birth :15/6/1990.
Nickname : Bram.
Profession: Bsc Technology in aplied chemistry(industrial option).
Positions: Prop,8th man,lock.
Bramwel Mayaka got interested with rugby in 2006 when he joined high school.
He Started playing in 2011.
Role model : Tendai Mtawarira,Moses Amusala.
Aspiration: Play for the kenya 15s national team.

Bramwel Mayaka is humble,God fearing,acomodative and loves hanging out with friends


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