Frank Momanyi Rugby Profile

Frank Momanyi

Frank Momanyi
Frank Momanyi Rugby Profile
Full Name Frank Momanyi
Club: Kisii Rugby
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Flanker
Status current
Profile views 2744
Age : 35 Years

Pic : Frank Momanyi : Source Zapper.
Pic : Frank Momanyi : Source Zapper.

Profile updated : 3rd January 2016.
High school: Itierio Boys High school.
College: Gusii Institute of Technology .
Date of birth : 22 April 1993.
Nickname: Zapper.
Profession: Information Technology.
Position: Franker .

Frank Momanyi got interested in rugby when he was 10years. He used to admire the game when ever he saw it on TV.

He started playing rugby when he was in form two.

Role model: Collins Injera.

"My ambition is to play rugby to greater hights, getting to the kenya 15s team is my aim " Frank Momanyi.

Zapper is a risk taker, loyal, hardworking, thrives on challenges.
He is also into art and does practice photography.


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