Victor Odera Rugby Profile

Victor Odera

Victor Odera
Victor Odera Rugby Profile
Full Name Victor Odera
Club: Kenya Harlequin
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Lock
Status current
Profile views 4395
Age : 35 Years

PVictor Odera

Profile Update : 12th January 2017.
Photo : Victor Odera.
High school: St. Marys Yala.
campus: Strathmore University (Bsc Business and information technology).
Date of Birth : 1/8/1991.
Nickname; Vicky.
Profession: software developer.

Victor Odera got intérested in the game in 2005.
He started playing Ä«n 2006.
Role model : Brodie Retallick.
Victor Odera is full of life, often quiet, fun and God fearīng.

Victor Odera joined Kenya Harlequins in January 2017.

Victor Odera in action


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