Andrew Mutuma Rugby Profile

Andrew Mutuma

Andrew Mutuma
Andrew Mutuma Rugby Profile
Full Name Andrew Mutuma
Club: Strathmore leos
Date of birth : Sat, 09th Jun 1990
Role player
Position Flanker
Status current
Profile views 1332
Age : 34 Years

Photo : Andrew Mutuma

High School: Meru School.
Campus: Kenya Polytechnic
Date of Birth : 9th June.
Nickname: Andy
Profession: Aeronautics
Position: Flanker
Interest in rugby : Got interested in rugby in form 1, he has been an addict ever since.
Role model: Richie Mccaw – Nz
Aspirations: Make sure I enjoy any 80 minutes I get in that grid.

His Quote : Good tackles and turnovers make my day


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