Amon Wamalwa Rugby Profile

Amon Wamalwa

Amon Wamalwa
Amon Wamalwa Rugby Profile
Full Name Amon Wamalwa
Club: Menengai Cream Homeboyz RFC
Date of birth : Fri, 20th Oct 2000
Role player
Position Half Back
Status current
Profile views 4047
Age : 23 Years

Photo : Injes Amon | Amon Wamalwa | Source Homeboyz Rugby.

High school : Muhuri muchiri High school
Campus : Zetech University
Weight : 75kg
Date of birth : 20/10/2000.
Nickname : Fijian / Injes
He started playing rugby when he was in class three.
Role model : Collins injera  and William Rider .

Career Goals
: To play for Kenya sevens and in the Super rugby.
And he also wants to help the upcoming players and support them to play rugby

He is a fan of Hurricanes in the Super Rugby.

- 2017 most valuable player east Africa games.
- 2012 mvp safari seven's age grade.
- Soya awards nominee 2017


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