Kelvin Masai Rugby Profile

Kelvin Masai

Kelvin Masai
Kelvin Masai Rugby Profile
Full Name Kelvin Masai
Club: Menengai Cream Homeboyz RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 22nd Jul 1995
Role player
Position Halfback
Status current
Profile views 6188
Age : 29 Years

Photo : Kelvin masai
High school : Laiser Hill Academy.
Date of Birth: 23/07/1995.
Campus : University of Nairobi
Profession: Pharmacy.
Kelvin Masai got interested in the game when he was in primary school.
Started playing in primary as well.
Role Model : Collins Injera.
His aspirations in rugby are to play in both Kenya 7s and 15s and to be a person upcoming players can always learn from.

Masai is a simple hardworking player and loves to learn new things..

Kenya fifteens debut : Kenya vs Zimbabwe 9th July 2016.


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