Martin Oyugi Rugby Profile

Martin Oyugi

Martin Oyugi
Martin Oyugi Rugby Profile
Full Name Martin Oyugi
Club: Catholic Monks RFC
Date of birth : Thu, 14th Nov 1991
Role player
Position Center
Status current
Profile views 3367
Age : 32 Years

Photo : Martin "Oyuba" Oyugi.

High school - Ofafa Jericho High School.
University - Catholic University.
Coarse : Degree in Finance.
Date of Birth - 14/11/1991.
Nickname - Oyuba.
profession - Finance.
Rugby positions - flanker / centre / winger.
Martin Oyugi got interested with rugby when he watched his uncles playing rugby at their club back when he was in primary.
He started playing rugby upon joining Ofafa Jericho High School.
Role Model - Kelvin 'chwaki' Omiyo.
Aspiration - play rugby at all level; professional and international.
He also wants to inspire his team mates to play to their best like him and influence them to keep God first in all their encounters.

Martin "Oyuba" Oyugi is a God fearing person and he loves playing rugby.


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