Dennis Nyakundi Rugby Profile

Dennis Nyakundi

Dennis Nyakundi
Dennis Nyakundi Rugby Profile
Full Name Dennis Nyakundi
Club: Blak Blad RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 17th Nov 1990
Role player
Position Utility forward
Status current
Profile views 2515
Age : 33 Years

Pic : Dennis Nyakundi in action for Blakblad against KCB | Enterprice cup 2016

Full name : Dennis Siro Nyakundi
High school : Nyambaria school.
Campus : Kenyatta university.
Date of birth : 17th November 1990.
Nickname :  Sixo. Asani
Profession : Security manager (Forensic Scientist).
Positions : Prop, lock, flanker.
Dennis got interested in rugby while back in high school in form 2 , 2009.
He used to play basket ball then his friends asked him to join them because he had good ball handling skills from basket ball.

Role model : Humphrey Kayange - Tall

"I want to play clean rugby which will enable me gain a position in Kenya 15's team and even go international ", Dennis Siro Nyakundi.

Dennis Siro Nyakundi is saved and a believer . He believes life is like a ship, everyone ought to be prepared to steer it.

Twitter : @dennis_sixo


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