Shadon Munoko Rugby Profile

Shadon Munoko

Shadon Munoko
Shadon Munoko Rugby Profile
Full Name Shadon Munoko
Club: Mean Machine RFC
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Lock
Status current
Profile views 2775
Age : 35 Years

Photo : Shadon Munoko in action for Mean Machine. *Referee : Victor Oduor* | Courtesy Shaddy
Photo : Shadon Munoko in action for Mean Machine. *Referee : Victor Oduor* | Courtesy Shaddy

High school : Booker Academy western.
Campus : University of Nairobi.
Coarse : Economics.
Date of birth :  12th June 1994.
Position : Second row - 4 / number 8.
Rugby interest :  since form One. (2009)
Role model : Humphrey Kayange.
Ambition : play in international rugby league.
Twitter @munokoshad .
Instagram : shadonM


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