Patrick Ouko Rugby Profile

Patrick Ouko

Patrick Ouko
Patrick Ouko Rugby Profile
Full Name Patrick Ouko
Club: Strathmore leos
Date of birth : Sat, 31st Dec 1988
Role player
Position Prop
Status current
Profile views 3687
Age : 35 Years

Patrick Ouko
Photo : Patrick ouko | Mid-ego fotography.

High-school: St Mary's School Yala
Campus: Kenyatta University School Of Law
D.O.B: 9/4/1991
Nickname: Pat
Area of Profession: Law
Position: Prop
Time he got interested: Way back in Nairobi Primary when they used to play touch rugby.
Started playing: In high-school 4th form.
Role model: His cousin Gabby Ouko and internationally Jonah lomu, he always wanted to be a winger. Now he looks up to guys like Charlie Faumuina and Ben Tameifuna .

Aspirations: Play for Kenya 15s and/or Kenya 7s
He is a laid back guy, he loves the law and music (rock and EDM), foodie.


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